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The Glorious Lands & Developments Limited (GLDL) was formed to resolve the residential problems of the agriculturist and others. In the rapidly growing economy of Bangladesh, housing should be a significant factor in both maintaining and supporting the economy. The company started its journey in the year 2004 having registered under Companies Act XVIII of 1994 with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. It has successfully developed large housing areas called Krishibid City at Birulia , Dhaka. The company possesses about 1200 Acars of land having 3,600 plots with provisions for all modern civic facilities. The project area is on natural high lands and is uniquely protected from all pollutions. "Krishibid West View", "Krishibid South View", "Krishibid Valley", "Krishibid Rose Garden" and "Krishibid Lake City" are located at a distance of 6-7 minutes from Birulia Bridge on the south-western side of Rajuk Uttara 3rd Phase Residential Project in Dhaka. The company has on an average given dividend of 20% to its shareholders during the past 19 years.


To make a significant contribution in solving the residential problems of the ever-growing population, particularly those of the agriculturists and farming community, the group will build modern residence for at least 10 million people using High Tech and at reasonable cost in all the big cities and districts.


To make our goal a significant contribution in solving the residential problems of the ever-growing population, particularly those of the agriculturists and farming community, the group will build modern residence for at least 10 million people using High Tech and at reasonable cost in all the big cities and districts.

Our History

A group agriculturist along with specialists from different sector have come forward with a mission to augment sustainable development of the business, society and the country in larger terms through establishment of diversified, inter-linked chained businesses and industries. Krishibid Group started its operation in 2001 having registered with the Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Now it is a well-known and famous organization having 33 sister concerns and many other projects in which some 5000 employees are working. Glorious Lands & Development Limited, one of the earliest companies of Krishibid Group, has gained reputation in Bangladesh and abroad with vast experience in the land development and real estate sector . The company has huge number of potential clients and trusted employees. Glorious Lands & Development Limited has handed over more than 1600 residential plots with boundary walls and also completed the registration many of them has already started building their own dream homes in Krishibid City. This has all become possible by the grace of Almighty, sincere and hard efforts of the management, dedicated employees and maintenance of high standard business ethics.

Message from  Managing Director

Placeat exercitationem voluptatem tempore in facere quo culpa. Iusto aliquam ut inventore in est corrupti dolor molestiae. Consectetur ullam dolorem veritatis saepe qui sequi rerum iste possimus. Nisi unde nisi deserunt impedit perferendis omnis mollitia dolor. Dolor at sit et quis quos nobis nobis ipsa dolorem. Architecto quam id incidunt aut ipsam id.
Merle Directs

Chairman Message

Chairman Message

Message from Chairman

Placeat exercitationem voluptatem tempore in facere quo culpa. Iusto aliquam ut inventore in est corrupti dolor molestiae. Consectetur ullam dolorem veritatis saepe qui sequi rerum iste possimus. Nisi unde nisi deserunt impedit perferendis omnis mollitia dolor. Dolor at sit et quis quos nobis nobis ipsa dolorem. Architecto quam id incidunt aut ipsam id.
Merle Reinger
Internal Group
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